Kanchanaburi Province hosted the National Academic Competition led by Kanchananukroh School. These 3-day events were participated by the best schools over Thailand which won in their own respective areas. Among the categories competed at Kanchananukroh School were mostly in the English and foreign Languages for instance storytelling, skit, impromptu speech, spelling bee and Multi-skill.
It had been a hard work for several months to prepare students for the competition. Six talented students (5 for skit and 1 for spelling bee) from Kanchananukroh School have already been chosen to represent Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi Province. Competitors from the different schools were heavily trained just to win and be able to compete for the last round which is during this said event.
The opening ceremony took place at the Kanchanaburi stadium at 6:30PM. Beautification and preparation of the stadium took almost a day. Special guests from the Ministry of Education, Provincial and Municipal officials participated in this special event.
Also, taking part in this Academic Competition involves five endowed students from Kanchananukroh School who welcomed all the guests using 5 different languages such as English, French, Japanese, Chinese and Thai.
We hope this small group of talented young people will encourage many other youths and learners to become involved in this kind of learning and turn to perform it as well.