Wednesday, June 29, 2011

KNSchool EP camp

Every year, Kanchananukroh School is organizing an English Program Camp and Freshmen Welcoming Ceremony usually on the first week of June. This year, it was held on June 2-4 at Suanson Pradipat, Prachuapkirikan Province.

Suanson Pradipat is located south of Huahin, a retreat open to the public and run by the Royal Thai Army as a recreational facility. Untainted by much trash or annoying, intoxicated mass tourists and beach vendors, it is also highly recommendable to people who wants to relax and keep under wraps from the city. The entire beach appears spotlessly clean; all small trash is being removed to have this well-preserved piece of land again ready for its daily bunch of guests.

During these 3 days camp, there are lots of activities. We have some songs, quiz bee, talent show, mini-olympic games, station activities and a lot more.. Before the camp commenced, the students were divided in 10 groups that makes 15 or 16 students in a group.  The foreign teachers were also distributed among the groups.

The original plan was to depart Kanchananukroh School at about 5:30 AM but because of some students (or I should say 2 students) who came late we left Kanchananukroh School at almost 6 AM and reached the campsite at after 9:00 AM. We had our breakfast in the bus. Upon arrival at the camp, we were gathered in a hall wherein the head of the English Department gave a welcoming speech and the camp rules. Afterwhich, we went to our designated rooms to leave our bags and things and prepare ourselves for the activities for the day.

“Feng Shui” was the first activity. A floor plan and a Feng Shui article were given to the students per group in which they drew what was in it following all the Feng Shui tips. It was then continued after lunch. The thai and Japanese teachers were the judges.

At about 2 PM, while the grade 9 students went to the beach to prepare their activities for the welcoming ceremony, grades 7 and 8 continued singing songs at the hall until they were called by their seniors. In this activity, the grades 9 were divided into 6 groups same with grades 7 and 8 combined together. The beach is wide enough so they spread out to do their own activities. Teachers had no concern with the activity so we were just there watching the students.

In the evening of the first day, the students had the WOW (World of Wearables) contest. Each group had their Mr. and Ms WOW representative each wearing clothes designed by their group using recycled plastic cellophanes and other reuse materials.

 On the next day after breakfast, station games were started. Each foreign teacher located a place for their own activities. Activities that need wide spaces and a little bit noisy were done outside the hall while the others did it inside. Per group the students must complete and do their best in all the station activities because they are being graded according to their group performance. The following were the station activities:
1.    Number Relay (Mathematics)
2.    Charades
3.    Shh..Spell it.
4.    Coconut Shy
5.    Boogle
6.    Food Web (Science)
7.    Anagram (Computer)
8.    Who is who?
9.    Domino
10.Running Dictation

After lunch, we did the Memory game and then the Quiz bee followed.

When the sun was beginning to cool down, we proceeded to the beach to do the Mini Olympic games (Sack Race, Tug of War & Limbo Rock). After the games, we were able to go for a dip in the beach then to the hotel pool.

On the evening of the second day, the students performed and showed off their talents in skit presentation.

On the last day, before departing the campsite, evaluation forms were distributed to the students to rate all the activities and even foods and rooms in the camp site.

As soon as we finished packing and clearing our rooms, we set off  to the Khompastr Fabric – they said it’s the only official manufacturer of authentic gold hand print fabric in Thailand. Famous thai silk company that produces stunning design.

The last stop was to the Monkey temple. The people from the temple warned all people going in to be careful with their belongings as some of the monkeys can just snatch anything they see. The students enjoyed  watching the monkeys swinging from branches to branches while taking a picture. It’s so sudden that a monkey snatched one of the students’ mobile phone and didn’t return it. They tried to find the monkey who did it but well...even if they did find...they're not sure if it has still with him the cellphone.

On the bus going home, students did karaoke... They enjoyed singing while dancing...And taking photos..........

The last day was a little bit dreary as everybody was tired so upon reaching the school, some students just dispersed without even saying goodbye to their teachers..

 It’s fun though so the students were asking for another English camp!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Most Awaited Moment

It was with much anticipation that after years of waiting…..This most special moment has finally arrived.  


Looking back to where it started.. It wasn’t an easy journey though…Along the way, the road was full of twists and challenges.. On the way, there had been storm, wind and rain. There were maybe endless sorrow in some stops but the bumpy journey was worth it…It was a sunny one at the end….

…all the neighborhood were occupied to whatever assistance they could give..

Everyone getting ready and organizing everything for the event…

.. It was April 30, 2011 when the love was then solemnized at St. Michael Parish Church, Barlig, Mountain Province

...The cute bearers and  flower girls.....and of course, the ______.....

...Bestman, Maid of honor, grooms men, brides maids and secondary sponsors..So sad a cousin who was supposed to be the maid of honor wasn't able to make it coz of her visa...Also, a friend (secondary sponsor) working in Manila didn't attend  maybe for some reason..... 

..w/ parents and principal sponsors....

The church ceremony was over.....

..and the banquet carried on at the brides residence…

..ascending more than a hundred footsteps…

Well wishers coming up to  give their blessings…and advices..

The celebration continued……pattong..churaw..kanta…ya sasara….

My brothers.....

The celebration couldn’t be possible without the presence of everyone… 
To the great architect up above for all the blessings and bringing us together....To our dear  parents – Thank you for bringing us to this day, for having been so patient and understanding and for giving us so much love and encouragement. To my brothers and to our relatives who not only wish us well, but who are always there when we need them. We would also like to express our gratitude to the many others who have freely given of their ideas, support and labor to make this day possible... And to all those who, inspite of the great distances, still traveled just to share and witness this most important event. The merriment of the occasion is because of you all….
As we continue our life's journey together.. We hope we could surpass all the trials that come our way...